How do RYCOM’s HIVE™ Smart Platform and BBN generate actionable insights for your business? Read more to find out.

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Tout bâtiment peut devenir « intelligent », mais qu’est-ce que cela signifie pour votre entreprise? Les bâtiments intelligents ont beau avoir gagné beaucoup de popularité ces dernières années dans tous les marchés verticaux – vente au détail, petits et grands établissements commerciaux, hôpitaux, industries et gouvernements –, la plupart des immeubles en Amérique du Nord ne sont pas dotés d’un réseau de base du bâtiment intelligent (RBB) ni d’une stratégie à long terme en la matière. Sans eux, les systèmes des bâtiments intelligents ne font que générer des données qui ne servent à personne parce qu’elles ne sont pas compilées et analysées adéquatement.
La plateforme HIVEMCSMART de RYCOM remédie à cette situation, entre autres choses. Car ici, nous ne faisons pas les choses à moitié : au lieu de vous laisser vous débrouiller avec les données recueillies, nous vous fournissons une plateforme novatrice qui transforme les données issues de vos systèmes interactifs en information concrète et facile à comprendre.
Comment la plateforme HIVEMCSMART et le RBB de RYCOM produisent-ils de l’information concrète pour votre entreprise?

AAu cœur de tout immeuble intelligent, il y a un réseau de base du bâtiment.

Pour rendre un bâtiment intelligent, il faut commencer par rassembler tous les systèmes sur un seul et même réseau, ce qui crée une autoroute d’information uniformisée. C’est ce que nous appelons le réseau de base du bâtiment. Nous le personnalisons pour qu’il s’intègre imperceptiblement à l’immeuble, peu importe sa taille et sa catégorie.Voici ce qu’offre un réseau de base aux gestionnaires :

  • Une solution sécuritaire avec surveillance en tout temps par le centre de gestion de la sécurité de RYCOM.
  • Full control over building system vendors and the ability to build upon current systems when necessary
  • Reduced capital costs for future building system installations through the utilization of one common shared network infrastructure
  • Performance management and optimization for effective OPEX over the life of the asset

Before we design a BBN, we work with the building owner to determine how and where “smart” fits into the site and how it will impact both the site and tenants. It is crucial to work closely with building stakeholders to ensure that everyone’s requirements are considered when designing a smart strategy and BBN. With this feedback, a detailed blueprint can be developed that will map out the building’s unique BBN to ensure it will allow a building to realize the many benefits of smart technology.
A common mistake with BBN implementations is they are either over-designed and not fully utilized or under designed and never allow for a true smart building to evolve. That is why before your business undergoes any investment of time and money, it is important to partner with an experienced team that understands the entire ecosystem of structured cabling, networking, vendor systems, system integration and property/portfolio strategies.

HIVE™ Smart Platform generates actionable insights from your building system data

Once a BBN has been installed, your property has the secure foundation that allows the HIVE™ Smart Platform to turn your building system data into insights that allow for informed action that can make a real difference in the short- and long-term success of your business and your bottom line. Powered by BUENO (link), the HIVE™ Smart Platform is an easy-to-use SAAS platform that is managed and monitored by RYCOM 24/7. Through analyzing KPI’s and other data that form the framework of your network, the HIVE™ Smart Platform:

  • Liberates building systems data onto a common operating platform, which enables ‘cross-platform’ analysis and provides easy to understand real time data about your building
  • Allows for command and control functionality of building systems such as security, building automation systems, people counting, car parks and much more
  • Runs diagnostics of your building that utilize experiences of similar properties from around the world to detect building issues and find the root cause so that they can be diagnosed and solved
  • Consistently monitors every maintenance point of a building and provides automated diagnostics to avoid the potential goose chase of locating a small problem within a major building system
  • Uncovers a range of equipment faults, mechanical failures and degradation of performance over time. This allows for the implementation of a directed maintenance approach opposed to the standard, and costlier, preventative maintenance approach
  • With the full triage insight and fault knowledge, more efficient repair and maintenance practices and strategies can be deployed. This approach provides for a comprehensive directed maintenance strategy to be implemented materially lowering PEX costs and improving building system functions

Add all of this up and our platform provides continuous optimization and support structure to deliver the targeted performance that is necessary in today’s marketplace.
No matter which smart building partner you choose, always remember that the smartest thing about smart buildings are the people who use it. It is important to ensure that you have the right partner with the right experience to work with you on your strategy, technology solutions, systems integrations and operations. Even if your building is not yet ready for a full-scale smart building deployment, it’s never too early to develop a strategy to get smart.

Interested in learning more about RYCOM HIVE™ Services and Solutions? Contact one of our Sales Specialists today at or 1-877-927-9266 and let us show you why we are the right smart building partner for your business.

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