Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Policy

1.0 Purpose

In Ontario, the AODA became law on June 13, 2005. The Customer Service Standard, which is the first of five standards to be legislated under the AODA, is intended to ensure that persons with disabilities receive the level of customer service which we all expect. The Accessibility Standard for Customer Service applies to all people or organizations in Ontario that provide goods or services and have one or more employees. This document outlines RYCOM’s Commitment to AODA as well as our Policies regarding the Customer Service Standard.

2.0 Scope

The policy applies to all RYCOM Personnel and the customers that we serve.

3.0 RYCOM's Commitment

RYCOM is committed to providing products and services in a way that respects the dignity, independence, integration, and equality of all people. RYCOM is committed to ensure accessibility for our employees and for the customers that we serve and will strive to meet the needs of people with disabilities in a timely and effective manner. RYCOM believes in equal opportunity and is committed to full compliance under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (“AODA”).

4.0 Policies

Effective customer service begins and ends with satisfying the customer. Customers may have different needs that we need to recognize. RYCOM’s Accessible Customer Service Plan is to provide accessible customer service to people with disabilities through the following:

4.1 Communication

Communication is key to providing exceptional service. Information is usually shared in written, verbal, or visual form. People with disabilities will be communicated with in ways that consider their disabilities. Our communication methods are flexible, and we will assist in providing alternate formats or methods of communication if requested by a customer or employee.

Invoices may be provided in alternate format when requested. Any questions that customers may have regarding the content of their invoice will be answered in person, telephone, email, or any other format that they may require.

4.2 Feedback

RYCOM welcomes and encourages feedback on how we provide accessible customer service. Customer feedback will help us identify barriers and respond to concerns.

RYCOM will make sure our feedback process is accessible to people with disabilities by providing or arranging for accessible formats and communication supports, on request. Anyone who would like to provide feedback may do so by the following:

Mail/In Person: 6201 Highway 7 #8, Woodbridge, ON
Telephone: 1-800-653-5366

4.3 Notice of Disruption

If at any time our services are disrupted to the public, a notice will be posted on all public entrances and will include the reason for disruption, estimated duration of the disruption and accommodations that are being provided if applicable.

4.4 Use of Assistive Devices, Service Animals or Support Workers

People with disabilities are welcome to bring their Service animals, Support Workers and Assistive Devices onsite as required. This may include but is not limited to Service Animals, Support Workers, Wheelchairs, Canes or Walkers, Oxygen tanks or Electronic Communication Devices. Training will be provided on how to interact professionally and properly with people who are accompanied by a service animal.

Our customers and employees are encouraged to advise RYCOM of any special needs that require accommodation and that we may assist with.

4.5 Training

RYCOM will provide accessible customer service training to all employees and volunteers and to anyone who provides goods or services to customers on our behalf. Training will include an overview of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act; RYCOM’s policies; how to interact with people with different types of disabilities; and how to interact with people who require the use of assistive devices, service animals or a support person.

Training will be provided to every employee upon commencement of employment and when
information or policies are updated.

4.6 Employment

RYCOM is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to providing accessible employment practices. RYCOM will continue to comply with the Employment Standard by proactively removing any barriers throughout the employment cycle.

RYCOM will accommodate people with disabilities during all stages of the recruitment, onboarding and employment process. Applicants may request accommodations at any time and RYCOM will consult with the applicant to provide accommodations in a manner that considers their accessibility needs.

Career development and opportunities will be available to all employees regardless of disability.

RYCOM has a short term and long-term disability management program which assists employees with individual accommodation plans and return to work options for those who have been absent.

4.7 Modifications to Policies

Any policies of RYCOM that do not respect and promote the principles of dignity, independence, integration, and equal opportunity for people with disabilities will be modified or removed.