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How Does Smart Building Data Generate Actionable Insights for Your Business?

Every building is capable of being smart – but what does being smart mean for your business? The popularity of smart buildings has exploded in recent years within all verticals such as retail, small to larger commercial, industrial, health care and all government levels, and yet most sites in North America are not equipped with …

How Does Smart Building Data Generate Actionable Insights for Your Business? Read More »

Smart Real Estate Trends Driving Tech

Smart Real Estate Trends: Data Naming Conventions, Standards and Driving Tech Trends in Real Estate

“What’s in a name?” This simple question was posed by Shakespeare centuries ago and is still a contentious topic for debate today. In the real estate industry, naming conventions can often feel like they mean everything and nothing at the same time. That leads us to question, what does a name mean for your business? …

Smart Real Estate Trends: Data Naming Conventions, Standards and Driving Tech Trends in Real Estate Read More »